Remote Monitoring (WERMA WIN)
Utilising the latest wireless information network (WIN) technology from WERMA, More Control was asked to develop a complete remote monitoring system for accurately providing details of a machine status. This would enable more accurate measurements of machine productivity to occur in the factory production line.
The customer wished to monitor their machines, but did not have the budget to purchase a system costing around £10k per machine.
More Control utilised WERMA's monitoring system which provided users with basic details of their machines for a cost effective price of £300 per machine.
In addition to monitoring, the customer required a system for logging into the machine when it was running to view and track its performance. Using the WERMA WIN System, More Control was able to remotely login to track a machines status, and accurately monitor that machines overall productivity.
WERMA Wireless Information Network (WIN)
The Wireless Information Network (WIN) is a MDC system (Machine Data Collection System), enabling users to centrally monitor and evaluate up to fifty machines of varying ages and functions via wireless technology.
Main Advantages of WIN

- Central monitoring of a wide range of different machines via PC
- Reduction of reaction times and costs
- Increased productivity and efficiency
- No additional wiring
- Transmission range of up to 300 m (unobstructed line of sight)
- Every slave simultaneously functions as a "repeater", enabling the transmission range to be significantly increased
- Relevant machine information at a glance (e.g. downtime)
For more information about WERMA products and cost effective remote monitoring solutions contact More Control on 0345 00 00 400.